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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Stain Resistant Carpets?

How Does It Work? Ann Arbor Carpets Explains.

Stained Carpet? Come to Ann Arbor Carpets!
Don't let your carpet get one of these!
Between kids, pets, and party guests, one of the biggest concerns people have about carpeting is the dreaded stain. Nothing can quite ruin the decor of a room quite like a large red stain in the middle of the floor. People go to great lengths to remove stains, using all sorts of professional cleaning services and around-the-house methods. Since stains are such a major concern for anyone investing in new carpet, stain-resistant carpeting has become almost standard for homes.



But how does stain resistant carpeting work, exactly?

Simple! The carpet comes with a coating on the outside. This coating helps to keep liquids and colors out of its fibers. It stays on for a long time, and helps to keep your carpet looking newer and cleaner.


Stain-proof carpeting can help a lot, but there are three things to remember:

1. No carpet is 100% stain-resistant, but stain resistant carpets can keep out stains better than normal, and can make removing stains easier on the owner.

2. Stains still need to be treated immediately. Stain-resistant doesn’t mean stain-proof! You should still act quickly and follow your warranty instructions for cleaning.

3. The carpet still requires the attention and care of a normal carpet, but it improves your odds of keeping your carpet stain-free. Be wary of using the wrong cleaning product and removing the protective coating! Make sure to read the manufacturer’s guidelines and speak to an expert if you are unsure!

If you have any other questions involving carpet or hardwood flooring in Ann Arbor, be sure to contact us at Ann Arbor Carpets or give us a call at 734-619-0573.

 Image used with permission here.

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