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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Ann Arbor Carpets Just Shorn Wool Carpet Minimizes Indoor Allergens

Are you Searching for Carpet That’s More Natural or Green for Your Family? 

Just Shorn ® Part 2: Indoor Allergens 

You or someone in your home may have allergies or be sensitive to chemicals. The news reports that a lot of items you find in your home can, in a sense, poison you and your loved ones after time. Many man made and natural materials used in carpet, paint, plywood and other building materials emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) 

Surprisingly, carpeting emits low VOCs compared to paint and all other household items. The “new carpet smell” is usually caused by the latex used in the backing. It’s not harmful and with good ventilation will dissipate within a few days. It’s probably because of the smell that carpet is usually blamed for allergic reactions. However, scientific studies have shown that carpets have a beneficial effect on your health, as long as they’re maintained properly. Wool carpeting is especially helpful as it absorbs gases produced by VOCs and the burning of fossil fuels that pollute the air. Wool carpet purifies the air along with stabilizing the humidity of buildings by releasing moisture during periods of high or low atmospheric humidity. 

Wool carpets also soil less rapidly than man-made fibers. Spills lie on top of the carpet longer and rarely soak to the backing. These attributes also means less chemicals are used to clean it. It also traps dust until it’s vacuumed and doesn’t allow it to become airborne. The fibers are too long and coarse to be inhaled and do not affect asthma sufferers. 

Wool is also 100% biodegradable. It’s made from keratin and under normal conditions it is resistant to sunlight, water, acids, rot and mildew. However, when wool is kept warm and wet or is buried in soil it will biodegrade and release valuable nutrients. 

Wool is also a renewable resource. As long as sheep can consume grass they will produce wool, whereas synthetic fibers require oil, a non-renewable resource. 

Just Shorn ® wool carpet is not only safer for you and your family, it’s safer for the planet. Plus, it’s durable, easier to take care of, feels cozy and looks beautiful! 

Stop by Ann Arbor Carpets – Flooring America to see and feel the quality of Just Shorn ® wool carpet

Visit us today

550 State Circle, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 | 734-769-1710