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Friday, December 19, 2014

3 Reasons to Choose Hardwood Flooring

You may know that hardwood flooring is a favorite for many homeowners, but do you know why? There are plenty of other options available (carpet, tile, vinyl, laminate), but hardwood is a classic that has stood the test of time. So, what has made this option so popular?

There are three main reasons that people love hardwood flooring (besides the look!).

1. Durability

    If taken care of correctly, hardwood floors can last a lifetime. Carpet and hardwood alternatives generally can’t stand the test of time as well as hardwood floors, and will need replacing more often. Carpets also stain, which means that even if the carpet’s quality is okay, you may have to replace it just because of how it looks!

2. Value

    Hardwood flooring is not only good for the look and feel of your home, it may also be good as an investment. Hardwood Flooring almost always boosts your home’s value, and makes your home much more desirable to potential buyers. Hardwood flooring attracts buyers since it’s easy to add to a decor motif, doesn’t clash with most interiors, and never goes out of style. Hardwood is much easier to clean than carpet.

3. Variety

    We have TONS of different kinds of hardwood floors, everything from Oak to Brazilian Cherry. No matter the look, feel, color, or style you want, we probably have what you need. Hardwood comes in more types than most of us can imagine, and we’re certain we can find the right one for you.

If you have any questions about hardwood flooring in Ann Arbor, or if you just want a free bottle of carpet cleaner, feel free to contact us at, or call us at 734-769-1710