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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Ann Arbor Carpets Shares "Clever Uses for Your Leftover Carpet!"

Are you Looking For Ways to Use Your Leftover Carpet? 

Are you unsure about what to do with your leftover carpeting?

We suggest that you don’t just throw it out, or you’ll add to the 4-6% of old carpeting that sits in our landfills!

Thanks to closets and hallways, there are inevitable scraps left over after your carpet installation.  Ann Arbor Carpets suggests putting on your thinking cap and using your imagination to discover ways to use carpet scraps!   

Of course, you can always take the easy route and recycle it. When you purchase new flooring from Ann Arbor Carpets, Michigan Carpet Delivery will deliver your new carpet and haul away your discarded carpet, which they take to a recycling center.

After our friendly staff completes your carpet installation in Ann Arbor, Dexter, Ypsilanti, or wherever you live, we can easily take your carpet scraps to get recycled.

Or, there are lots of good uses for it in and around your home. We’ve also included a few Pinterest links below that show a variety of crafts and pet accessories to make. 

• Put a scrap of carpet in your trunk, or truck bed when you’re carting around dirty items, or objects that could scratch, or leak all over your vehicle. 

• Use scraps in the garage or basement as a makeshift area rug.  To prevent tripping, you may want to use double-sided tape to secure them to the floor.

• Put it in your boat to cover seats when it’s in storage, or to protect the surface when you pull up the anchor.  Carpet also works great as a cover on the dock pole to help minimize scrapes on the side of your boat. 

• Use it as a gardening pad.  The knee pads you can buy are usually pretty small, so a larger area would allow you to move around easier.  When you’re done gardening, shake off the dirt, roll it up, and store it.

• If you work on your vehicle, tractor, or lawnmower, you could place scrap carpet on the floor to cushion the surface, or to catch a fluid leak and keep your concrete from getting stained.

• Take a piece of carpet to your campsite.  Set it on the ground outside your trailer or tent.  Then, set your lawn chairs up over it and create an outdoor living room. 

• If you attend outdoor concerts or picnics, place a piece of carpet underneath your blanket.  It will add more cushioning and keep your blanket from getting too wet or dirty. 

As you can see, the possibilities are endless!  If you aren’t going to recycle your carpeting at least try to re-use it instead of throwing it into a landfill. 

And when you’re looking for new carpet or flooring, remember that Ann Arbor Carpets has the friendliest carpet installation Ann Arbor has to offer.  We offer an amazing selection of carpet, hardwood, luxury vinyl tile, laminate and more.  Our prices are competitive with big box stores, and our customer service will exceed your expectations! 

Stop by our showroom or give us a call today!

550 State Circle, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 | 734-769-1710

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Ideas on Pinterest to Re-Use Carpet Scraps:

Cat scratching posts and window seats:

A carpet maze for playing with toy cars and people:

A hopscotch board:

Pet stairs for older or small pets to access the couch or beds:

Carpet mini golf:

Carpet ball table:

Pet beds or large seat cushions:

Carpet bag clutch:

Decorate children’s playhouses: