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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How To Design A Great Bedroom For Kids!

Are you struggling to design a fun room for your child?

Are you worried that as your child grows up, they won’t like the design of their room anymore?

You’re not alone! Decorating a child’s bedroom can be a daunting task, especially as kids get older and their tastes change. Picking out quality flooring can also be a struggle, especially with toddlers.

Here are some tips for decorating a great kid’s bedroom according to HGTV:

1. Help kids stay organized! Keep things at your child’s height so they can actively stay organized. This means storage in their closets, coat racks, and shelves.

2. Glow in the dark paint! This is a fun way to make sure the kids are excited to go to bed instead of having a stressful bedtime. Glow in the dark stars and moons on the ceiling will provide a great nighttime atmosphere!

3. Get the kids to help! Letting the kids add their own personal touches to the room will not only make them feel accomplished, but it will help add more of their personality to the bedroom. Adding handprints or using their fingers to make polka dots is a great way to include them in the design.

4. Make sure to include quality pieces! Kids are constantly growing and evolving. Buying quality core pieces like dressers and desks that are neutral colors will last throughout their childhood.

5. Research different types of flooring! So many different types of flooring are available and picking the right one from your child can be easy if you do your research. There are many pros and cons of flooring types such as hardwood, carpet, and even bamboo floors.

Keeping your child involved while you decorate their bedroom will hopefully keep it a stress-free event for the both of you! If you need some advice on decoration and flooring, feel free to contact our experts at Ann Arbor Carpets at 734-769-1710, or visit us on the web at!

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